Al link del sito Klosi News, tre Poesie da La Simmetria del gheriglio
BIRTHSomething viscous, solid stretches to the limit [muscles and pain.Then liquid running between thighs, blood staining [the sheets.Viscid and warm, the mystery of forever on the belly[generates love.Life begins where the dream dies.ALAN TURINGEven you who gave birthto the great artificial intelligencelocked in diversity livedbackwards as vice, under a skyof numbers and signshave met the evil of the fairy talethat forces morality into an obscene sneer.THE LIBRARY OF COIMBRATwo hundred thousand volumes kept on shelvesof gold madeira wood.Noctules, at sunset, devour insects, defendingmillions of words from woodworm.Knowledge has the stale smell and the silence dueto dead things